  • Jane's Cookery School Blog, June


    One of the first opportunities I was given when I began working for The Cookery School was to visit The Weber Grill Academy in Copenhagen. Yes Copenhagen! Who would have thought the Danes were such avid BBQers. In addition, what a place! An induction system so huge it meant you could BBQ inside, and a Weber ‘disco ball’ hanging from the ceiling. That certainly created an impression, and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one imagining where I could put one!

    With the closure of the Grill Academy in the UK, Weber had been looking for premises in London which proved to be challenging. In the meantime Henry had already been delivering our own Butchery and BBQ Course using Weber BBQs. So naturally The Cookery School became a Grill Academy for Weber along with a number of other cookery schools in the UK and Ireland, at the last count there were 17. It’s always great to catch up with other schools, which we do every year, to see a friendly face and to find out what they’re all up to. This year Dorking was the chosen destination, not quite so glamorous, but it was a beautiful sunny day and we did BBQ outside. Unfortunately, there was no sign of a glittery kettle BBQ…. However, you can’t have everything.
    Since we began delivering the first Essential courses for Weber they have added a number of different ones to their repertoire. These include Seafood Essentials, think whole grilled seabass, smoked mussels as well as roasted pineapple in an upside down cake for pudding. Yum! The lid on BBQing opens up a whole new world, anything you can cook in your oven you can cook on a Weber BBQ. After the launch of the New Summit we have also been delivering an all charcoal course The Art of Charcoal This course will show you how you can bake bread as well as using the rotisserie for cooking vegetables. Creating dishes such as roasted rump of veal with pommes Anna and finishing off with a smoked camembert using your freshly baked bread to dunk. Coming soon is an all new Gas BBQ course for those that prefer only to cook with gas. I may well miss the debates we have; Gas Vs Charcoal, and who knows, maybe you’ll decide to have one of each!
    Before I go, I would just like to appeal to the women out there. Come and see what it’s all about, you’ll enjoy it, I promise!

    Click here for our BBQ courses

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