  • Wholesale
  • Facebook Give Away

    Our sourdough starter is nearly 60 and it’s a bank holiday weekend.

    We thought we should celebrate with a little Facebook give away. All you need to do is like our Facebook page and then share our give away post to be in with the chance to win a prize.

    Bank Holiday Facebook Give Away Prizes

    1. A meal for two at any Boston Tea Party

    2. A small bread making kit including our 60 year old sourdough starter

    3. Our ultimate sourdough; our 2 kilo Shepherds Loaf

    Terms and conditions

    Competition runs from Friday 22nd May to Monday 1st June

    The three winners will be announced on Monday 1st June

    The winners will be picked at random, Hobbs House Bakery’s decision is final

    Competition is run purely through Facebook

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