The first organic loaf in Bristol (1974/75) The bakery in Montpelier, Bristol, was unique in the 1970’s in that we milled our stoneground wholemeal onsite and used the flour fresh every day to make wholesome wholemeal bread. We purchased the grain from a farmer in Suffolk, who delivered cleaned English wheat to us in 200cwt sacks. He was interested in organic wheat growing and persuaded us to try some in our bakery. For me this was a concept that meant little at the time, although we had a customer who frequently asked when we would be making organic wholemeal bread. The customer was a professor of Egyptology at Bristol University and a persuasive character. So the day came when on his usual Friday trip to the bakery that I was able to offer him organic bread. He was delighted and I believe this to be the first commercial organic loaf sold in Bristol. We have faithfully continued on our organic journey, and for the intervening forty years have kept the flag flying for organic bread. We insist that all grain used in our organic wholemeal is from a British source.